Biomimetic Considerations for Paediatric Dentistry.
presented by:
Dr Mitsy Navales-Antolin
When we face the challenge of restoring children’s teeth, most dentists resort to extraction. However, through the advances and science behind the biomimetic principles, these teeth can still be saved. Dr Mitsy Navales-Antolin discusses how we can preserve badly broken down primary teeth as well as young permanent teeth. With her 25 years of clinical experience in treating children using adhesive dentistry, she shares with us her protocols to achieve predictable results.
Aims & Objectives:
1) Understand the importance of preservation of the primary dentition.
2) Learn rubber dam protocols for children to achieve more predictable restorations.
3) Learn adhesive protocols for treating badly broken primary teeth.
4) Gain an insight into the management of decayed and hypoplastic young permanent molar as well as fractured and decayed anterior incisors.
Lecture Duration: 54 minutes.
Audio language: English.
Subtitles: English, Español.
English subtitles and Spanish translations are now available. Learn more.
Ya están disponibles los subtítulos en inglés y las traducciones al español. Más información.
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